The Howe Scholarship is meant as a small act of restitution toward Wilmington’s African-American community in acknowledgment and remorse for a long legacy of historical harms, such as enslavement, the 1898 Wilmington Massacre and Coup d’etat, and decades of Jim Crow laws including disenfranchisement. As such, the endowment is open to contributions from any person, family, or organization wishing to participate in the growth of this fund, in the spirit of fostering the future of African-American building arts & sciences.
The Howe Scholarship Endowment is administered by the NC Community Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Your tax-deductible contributions of any amount are welcome and most appreciated. Donations will help grow this Fund—thereby increasing the yearly scholarship awarded. Individuals or families may wish to donate “in memory of” or to honor someone on a special occasion. They may also wish to donate as a form of personal reparations for historical injustice in Wilmington, NC or/and elsewhere in the United States. You may send donations via secure link to: https://nccf.fcsuite.com/erp/donate/create?funit_id=20423
Or you may write a check to: NCCF/Howe Scholarship Endowment,
and mail to
NC Community Foundation
3737 Glenwood Ave
Suite 460
Raleigh, NC 27612